Read MoreAnnual Reports & Biennial Reports published by the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
Annual Reports published by RainLily
RainLily Retrospective Study Statistical Report 2019-2023 provides statistical data and analysis of 1,984 sexual violence cases handled between 2019 and 2023, along with other past cases.
Read MoreDuring April 2021 to March 2023, RainLily provided take-down assistance to 171 cases and reported 1342 pieces of non-consensual intimate content to online platforms, 89.0% of which were successfully removed upon our requests. The vast majority of the victims were female (71.3%) and around one fifth were male (22.2%). Among all the cases we received, about half of them found that the images were spread by people known to them, such as their intimate partner (27.5%) and online acquaintance (15.8%); and about one third (32.7%) revealed that they could not identify the person who distributed their intimate images.
Read More《談性有方? - 香港性教育政策發展回顧與檢討》政策研究由關注婦女性暴力協會轄下的「Anti480反性暴力資源中心」策劃,透過全面檢視及比對分析政府當局在過去二十多年所推出的有關性教育的教學指引和課程文件、以及其他相關的支援措施,從而探討本地性教育政策的發展現況,研究目的在於檢討現行性教育政策的利弊,並且為未來的政策發展方向提供建議。
Read More有研究指,香港每七名女性,便有一名曾遭受性暴力之害,但只有少於十份一人會向外求助,更遑論將經歷披露於人前。幸得九位童年性侵倖存者敢於受訪發言,本書得以記述她們的生命故事。《倖存者言》除了載有她們受害的經歷,更重要的是寫下了她們如何面對創傷,如何在創傷中過好現在的生活。
Read MoreHong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities, Zonta Club of Kowloon, Department of Sociology and Social Policy of Lingnan University launched a study on women's experiences of violence in 2021, with a quantitative and qualitative study conducted by Professor Annie Chan to collect the experiences of 1,044 women who have experienced sexual and intimate partner violence, and to analyze their reactions, feelings and impact when faced with violence.
Read More油尖旺區的性暴力問題一直惹人關注,為掌握區內偷拍問題的實況及探討適切的應對方法,在油尖旺區議會贊助下,關注婦女性暴力協會與油尖旺區議會婦女事務工作小組合辦了《油尖旺區偷拍問題及應對方法研究》。是次研究參考了備受聯合國婦女署推廣的「女性安全審計」而設計出一份偷拍黑點審計清單,並透過邀請區內女性充當實地考察員,務求反映出女性在使用有關設施時的切身經驗和感受。研究團隊走訪了區內共30個不同地方設施進行審計工作,行經旺角、太子、大角咀、油麻地、佐敦、尖沙咀等不同區域。關注婦女性暴力協會與油尖旺區議會婦女事務工作小組於2021年2月20日發佈調查報告。
Read MoreBelated Listening, Delayed Healing – An Exploratory Study of Disclosure and Help-Seeking Practices Among Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse is a qualitative research approach to elicit and analyse survivors' retrospective narratives of their disclosure and help-seeking experience. With the support from RainLily's councillors and service users, 16 adult survivors of CSA were recruited from RainLily's service clientele and were invited for a semi-structured interview during the summer of 2019.
Read More關注婦女性暴力協會於2019年6月至2020年2月展開「港鐵遭遇性暴力經驗問卷調查」,以網上問卷收集公眾在過去三年內於港鐵範圍曾經歷或目睹性暴力的經歷。是次研究目的是希望向社會呈現於港鐵範圍內發生的性暴力情況,以及公眾人士於港鐵範圍內的求助經驗,並探討可行的改善建議,以減少在港鐵內性暴力事件的發生和如何更有效處理性暴力事件。
The Association has launched the ‘Survey Report on Sexual Violence Experience in MTR’ in 2019 to collect public experience of encountering or witnessing sexual violence in MTR in the past three years. The objectives of the research are to reveal the current situation of sexual violence in MTR areas, as well as the experiences of respondents seeking help in the MTR areas. Feasible suggestions are made to lower the frequency of sexual violence incidents in MTR and more effective measures in handling sexual violence incidents are raised.
Read More關注婦女性暴力協會於2019年展開「偷拍+未經同意散佈私密影像經驗問卷調查」,收集「影像性暴力」受害人的經歷。調查目的是希望增加影像性暴力受害人於社會的可見度,讓受害人知道:他/她們的經歷並非個別事件,而是普遍的現象;同時,藉著受害者的個人經歷,倡議法律和政策改革,改變社會文化。調查由兩部分組成:網上問卷及深入訪談,此報告根據問卷的回應以及訪談内容作出分析和總結。
Read MoreNoting a lack of comprehensive statistics and analysis regarding the problem of sexual violence in Hong Kong, this study aims to gain a better knowledge of the issues involved and to help improve related coping strategies. A quantitative approach is used to investigate and analyse the 3,611 case records from RainLily's services database. Together with statistical descriptions of the demographic factors of these cases, a series of statistical tests examine the relationships between relevant factors, which helps in identifying the patterns of sexual abuse and nuances between different victims' needs.
Read MoreIn recent years, clandestine photo-taking has become a serious problem, with 285 reported cases in 2017 and 313 in 2016. One of the most rampant forms of clandestine photo-taking is upskirting, which involves taking photos or videos of a person from beneath their clothing without their consent. In the past three years, there have been 327 reported cases of upskirting in MTR areas alone, with an average of 100 cases annually. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the number only includes incidents that took place in railway areas.
Read MoreDue to the lack of tried and tested resources to tackle GBV in Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minority communities, we turned to overseas expertise and partnered with UK-based organisation Maslaha to produce this toolkit. Some of the examples used in this toolkit are from the UK, to provide a guide and model for best practice which we can adapt to the HK context.
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