Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Image Take-Down Assistance  未經同意發放私密影像 下架支援  刪除偷拍相 del相 del片

下架支援 Take-Down Assistance

「Ta-DA 下架支援」為一項協助影像性暴力當事人向網絡平台檢舉在未經其同意下被散佈的私密影像(下簡稱「影像」)之支援服務。服務會透過關注婦女性暴力協會的名義協助當事人向相關網上平台提出移除要求,我們不能完全確保影像會被下架,但我們致力與不同的網絡平台就影像性暴力議題溝通、建立聯絡關係,亦與海外的影像性暴力支援組織協作進行檢舉。如欲透過「Ta-DA」協助相關影像下架及跟進,請填寫下方表格提供相關資料。我們於評估收到的資料後,會提供適切的跟進。如果您有任何疑問,歡迎透過電郵與我們聯絡:[email protected]

'Take-Down Assistance (Ta-DA)' is a support service to assist victim-survivors of image-based sexual abuse in reporting intimate images that are non-consensually distributed (the image) to online platforms for removal. Through Ta-DA, the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women will make the request-for-removal on behalf of the victim-survivors. While we cannot guarantee the image will be taken down, the service has been in on-going contact with different online platforms on the issue of image-based sexual abuse, and have established contact windows with some of these platforms. We also work with overseas IBSA support organisations to report related contents. Please complete the form below if you wish to make a request through us, we will review the information provided and assist accordingly. If you have any enquires, please get in touch through email: [email protected]

支援範疇 How can we help

Ta-DA 下架支援可以協助的範疇 What Ta-DA can help

Ta-DA 為所有性別、性傾向人士提供支援
Ta-DA supports people of all genders and sexualities
The image is recorded covertly/taken without consent
The person depicted in the intimate image may have consented for its recording/production, but the image is shared without their consent or knowledge
The reported internet platform could be local or overseas websites or applications

Ta-DA 下架支援不能夠協助的範疇 What Ta-DA cannot help

如需更多支援,請聯絡風雨蘭性暴力求助熱線 2375 5322SafeChat 網上支援 或 電郵 [email protected]

The person depicted in the image is under the age of 16
As constrained by Prevention of Child Pornography Ordinance (Cap. 579), the form below does not collect URL/s that link to images that depict individual under the age of 16. Please continue to complete the form, we will contact you to follow-up.
If you require further support, Please contact RainLily Sexual Violence Helpline 2375 5322, SafeChat Online Support or email [email protected].

常見問題 Frequently Asked Questions

  • 我們會代表當事人向相關的網絡平台及/或其寄存公司作出投訴,如有需要,會與海外的支援組織協作進行檢舉。與此同時,我們一直與主要的社交平台建立聯絡關係,促進下架成效。

    We will report the non-consensual content to the online platforms and its web host on behalf of our service user. If necessary, we will work with overseas support organisations to report related contents. Meanwhile, we have been establishing contact windows with key social media companies to enhance take-down effectiveness.

  • 可以,各網站的檢舉途經可參考 -

    Yes, you may visit to know how to report to different websites.

  • 透過Ta-DA作出檢舉可減少部分當事人因自行檢舉而承受的二次傷害,或被要求提供身份證明的風險。另外,我們一直與不同的網絡平台和海外的支援組織有著緊密的聯繫,以增加下架的成效。

    Reporting through Ta-DA may prevent the secondary trauma that the victim might suffer or the risk of providing personal data when doing self-report. Besides, we have established connections with different online platforms and overseas support organisations that might enhance the effectiveness of content removal.

  • 我們不能完全確保影像會被下架。若網絡平台拒絕提供聯繫方式,或拒絕回應我們的檢舉,都會令下架變得困難。


    We cannot guarantee the image will be taken down. Non-consensual contents could not be removed, if the platforms refuse to provide the contacts or respond to our reports.

    However, we have handled 309 valid links that contained non-consensual intimate images in the first year of Ta-DA's operation, more than 80% of them were removed through our service.

  • 很抱歉,我們難以僅根據關鍵字找到屬於您的影像。因此,你需要向我們提供影像的直接連結。

    Sorry, it is difficult for us to locate your image with keywords only. You must provide us with the direct link of the content.

保留證據 Preserving evidence


After completing and submitting the form below, we will get in touch with the platform/s to make a removal request. If you wish to preserve the evidencce (e.g. recording where/when the content is distributed and distributed by whom through screenshots), please do that before form submission.

表格 Form


其他支援 Other supports

If any person depicted in the image is under the age of 16, you may also seek assistance from the following services:

If you wish to make a report yourself, we have some resources available here.

面對網上海量的資訊,若影像性暴力的當事人要持續尋找相關流出影像將需面對莫大的困擾及不安。您可以透過 Google Alert 輸入關鍵字詞,當Google在其搜尋結果中發現相關的關鍵字詞被提及,您將收到電郵通知。瀏覽 Google Alert 了解更多。

Searching through the internet for non-consensually distributed intimate images can cause profound anxiety and distress for victim-survivors of image-based sexual abuse. Google Alert is a useful tool that allows you to keep track on the specific keywords when they appear in Google's search results, an email will be sent to you when there's a new mention of keywords. Visit Google Alert to learn more.


熱線運作時間 Hotline Operating Hours

一至五 Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 22:00

六 Sat: 09:00-13:00