About Us
Established on 8 March 1997, Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) is a non-government charitable organisation that works to raise awareness of sexual violence against women and promotes a gender equal environment.
ACSVAW advocates for both the government and the community to provide adequate support to victims, to defend their rights and restore their lives with confidence and dignity.
Promote Gender Equity
Strive for Zero Sexual Violence
Mission Statement
Everyone should enjoy basic human rights and dignity, and be free from any forms of infringement or discrimination.
Every woman should enjoy rights of freedom and liberty.
Society should provide a social environment with gender equity, respect and non-violence, and support women who have experienced sexual violence.
Rally public support to fight against sexual violence.
Advocate for anti-sexual violence policies.
Support women who have experienced sexual violence.
Message from FOUNDER
I was one of the founders of ACSVAW in 1997, along with my colleagues in social work, who dedicated in women issues. At that time, we saw the absence of professional services to accommodate the victims from sexual violence. So, we established the service unit of ACSVAW in 2000 – RainLily is the first sexual violence crisis centre in Hong Kong. RainLily provides one-stop support service, including immediate and follow-up medical treatment, counselling and legal clinic. Since 2012, RainLily has extended the service to ethnic minorities and refugee community through We Stand Project by providing sexual violence crisis intervention and prevention workshops.
Sexual violence is not merely a kind of sexual behaviour, but an act of violent attack by means of sex so to dominate others. Female is often seen weaker and vulnerable, while male is seen conquerors and stronger, especially under the power imbalance in a patriarchal structure. Sexual assault and harassment do not necessarily bring physical harm to victim, but certainly bring the intense feeling of fear and humiliation.
We need both women and men to work together to eliminate sexual violence. In the long run, it is essential to introduce gender equity education. Gender equity education nurtures the critical sense and ability against the waves of sexism and sex discrimination. For sexual violence, gender equity education equips us with the capacity to reflect about the power domination between sexes, and at the same time, to exercise the choices and control over our own body. We believe that members of the society should join hands in combating sexual violence and debunking gender stereotypes, regardless of gender. Our education unit, Anti480 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre, aims at setting up platforms in schools and communities to initiate dialogues on sexual violence and gender equity. Founded in 2005, Anti480 has been providing concrete materials and resources support to people who engage in gender education.
At the same time, the taboo towards sexual violence and the faulty justice system are dissuading victims from seeking help, or worse, forcing them to experience second trauma. Building a just system and a friendly environment are crucial for victims to ask for help and to thrive from trauma. That is why ACSVAW also works to further the legal and policy reform and to provide channels for survivors to break their silence and make their voice heard in the society.
ACSVAW could not be there without the devotion of our volunteers, professionals, and the generous donations from people like you. Please support us in working for a more gender equal and inclusive society without sexual violence.
Organisation Structure
HONORARY Consultants
Prof. Raees Begum BAIG
Dr. Philip S.L. BEH
Prof. Shirley Suet-lin HUNG
Ms. Sophia Ching-chi KAO, GBS, JP
Dr. Trisha LEAHY, BBS
Dr. Che-chung LUK, JP
Dr. Francis Choong-kein LUM
The Hon. Mr. Geoffrey Tao-li MA, GBM, KC, SC
Rev. Kam-cheong PO
Prof. Agnes Fung-yee TIWARI
Dr. Peter T.K. TSOI, JP
Ms. Bonnie Y.H. SO
Rev. Phyllis Mei-Fung WONG
Ms. Linda Sau-yung WONG
Ms. Winnie WONG
Dr. Grace Sun-may YUNG TSANG
(Listed in no particular order)
Prof. Raees Begum BAIG
Dr. Philip S.L. BEH
Prof. Fanny Mui-ching CHEUNG, SBS, OBE, JP
Prof. Shirley Suet-lin HUNG
Ms. Sophia Ching-chi KAO, GBS, JP
Dr. Trisha LEAHY, BBS
Dr. Che-chung LUK, JP
Dr. Francis Choong-kein LUM
The Hon. Mr. Geoffrey Tao-li MA, GBM, KC, SC
Rev. Kam-cheong PO
Prof. Agnes Fung-yee TIWARI
Dr. Peter T.K. TSOI, JP
Ms. Bonnie Y.H. SO
Rev. Phyllis Mei-fung WONG
Ms. Linda Sau-yung WONG
Ms. Winnie WONG
Dr. Grace Sun-may YUNG TSANG
(Listed in no particular order)