關注婦女性暴力協會25週年 - 創辦人分享
Founder's homecoming sharing
2022年是關注婦女性暴力協會成立的25週年。我們邀請了四位創辦人 — 王美鳳牧師 Phyllis、吳惠貞博士 Irene、 張佩麗 Edith、王秀容 Linda 聚首一堂,跟我們分享過去在創立協會和風雨蘭的點點滴滴,憶記起工作趣事、當時外界的質疑。當中創辦人亦寄語清醒的人做正確的事,堅守理念。分享會的部分內容摘錄如下:
2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women. We invited four founders - Phyllis Wong, Irene Ng, Edith Cheung and Linda Wong, to share with us their past experiences in founding the Association, memories of their efforts and the challenges they faced. The founders also would like to send a message to the people to do the right thing and stand by their beliefs. Here are some excerpts:
左起 From left
林潔汶 Irene Lam (主持 Host)、吳惠貞 Irene Ng、王美鳳 Phyllis Wong、張佩麗 Edith Cheung、王秀容 Linda Wong
攝於2022年舉行之「創辦人分享」活動 Photo of founder sharing event in 2022
Q: How did the Association Concerning Sexual Violence against Women get its name?
左起 From left: 張佩麗 Edith Cheung、吳惠貞 Irene Ng、王美鳳 Phyllis Wong、王秀容 Linda Wong
攝於1997年 Photo taken in 1997
機構的名字我們是商量過的,當初打算命名為強姦熱線,因為整個社會經常避開談及強姦。我們初期成立這個機構時,我們都有與婦女團體、社聯一起開會。我們商量後,決定成立一間有關性暴力的機構,著手做熱線、做研究。然後我們商量該改什麼名字好,我們有提議不如把機構命名為「強姦會」,因為整個社會都不肯談及「強姦」。當時,人們討論著性騷擾、性侵犯都從性罪犯的角度看,他們會認為那些女人穿著這麼少的衣服一定是想別人「搞」你的想法。性對受害人而言是一種暴力,故此我們用了外國的文字 "sexual violence",翻譯成中文為「性暴力」。為甚麼機構名字不是性侵犯或性騷擾?我是希望我們能從另一個角度出發,不是從侵犯者 (perpetrator) 的角度,而是從受害者 (victim) 的角度出發。這個對受害者而言是一種暴力的入侵。這個機構最後命名為「關注婦女性暴力協會」,是我們希望人們會多點談及性暴力。後來,很多人慢慢都開始談及性暴力,政府也開始談及。語言創造了這個世界,我們都要善用語言。我們想人們多點使用「性暴力」這個字眼,令大家習慣使用它。
The name of the Association is came up from our discussion, and it was originally intended to be named "Rape Hotline", because the whole society always avoids talking about rape. When we first started this organisation, we did hold some meetings with women's groups and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. After discussion, we decided to set up an organisation about sexual violence, and started to work on hotline and research. Then we discussed about the name, and suggested that it might be better to name the organisation "Rape Assoication", because the whole society refuses to talk about "rape". At that time, people talked about sexual harassment and sexual assault from the perspective of a sex offender, and they would think that those women wearing so little clothes must want someone to "harass" them. Sex is a kind of violence to the victim, so we use the foreign word "sexual violence", which is translated into Chinese as "性暴力". Why is the name not sexual assault or sexual harassment? I wish we could approach the matter from a different perspective, not from the perspective of the perpetrator, but from the perspective of the victim. This is a violent invasion for the victim. The organisation was eventually named the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women, because we hope that people will talk more about sexual violence. Later, a lot of people gradually started mentioning about sexual violence, and so did the government. Language creates the world, and we all have to make good use of language. We want people to use the word "sexual violence" more and get used to it.
Q: What factors did you take into consideration when choosing the name RainLily?
Our hotline at the time was not an official service, we have considered that the name should be acceptable to victims. When we talked about setting up an independent centre for sexual violence, and met with women's groups and the Equal Opportunities Commission to discuss this. Many people and groups opposed the idea, saying that there were only about a thousand rapes and it was not worth setting up an organisation. Why can't we target violence against women? In fact, there were centres in overseas countries that combined domestic and sexual violence. But we felt that domestic violence dominated many of the cases, and the fact that they were labelled as "domestic violence" made sexual violence less of a concern and blurred the focus. We wanted to bring out the smallest, hidden voices. If the centre were to focus on the violence experienced by all women, the priority of dealing with sexual violence would be reduced. There was no support, but we had the guts and we all kept going. We insist on anti-sexual violence work. Why do we have to persevere? Because this voice is the weakest and is the voice that the society does not want to hear. We didn't want to let anything else disrupt our persistence. We had no money, so we couldn't open a "centre". Of course, it was difficult to hire people, but the most difficult thing was that we didn't know what name of the centre would be acceptable to the survivors. At that time, a colleague from The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong was very helpful and gave me advice that the name should not be too explicit because the victim will feel stereotyped. I think this idea is good. The naming is to let the name be hidden to the point of not knowing what it exactly is, while making the user feel empowered. Later, I remembered that I had seen a flower that bloomed after a storm, called "RainLily".
Q: During the early stage of founding the association, were there any particularly impressive moments or unforgettable experiences?
左起 From left: 王美鳳 Phyllis Wong、吳惠貞 Irene Ng
When I gave birth to my son in October, Oxfam gave us the first HK$200,000 for talent acquisition. On the morning of giving birth, I was supposed to attend a meeting. However, since I was to deliver my child at night, the candidates were brought to the hospital for an interview. It was the first day of labour and delivery. I was very weak after natural birth, and my son was very heavy, weighing more than 8 pounds. They came late at night. A female candidate ended up declining the job offer. I guess the abnormal interview scared her off. Indeed, it was crazy.
I remembered very vividly the feelings I had in the past, and those moments from 25 years ago began to emerge. The first memory was when the Legislative Council passed the one- stop support. We were driving to the airport and screaming with excitement. That excitement came from the fact that we had worked very hard and put in a lot of effort. Very often, hard work does not mean results, but after putting in the effort, there is always a glimmer of light. Although it was only a small step (Legislative Council approving the one-stop support), and there was still a long way to go, nevertheless, it was a powerful moment.
I remember that the first person who called us (the helpline) was a social worker, and said that they received a case but didn’t know how to handle it. At that time, I also didn’t know, so I was learning from books when dealing with those cases. In fact, people who have encountered sexual violence will feel very hopeless, and those who help them will also feel very hopeless.
我在23歲時在婦女中心工作,那是我的第二份工作。當時我被安排的第一項任務是反強姦運動。要告訴別人強姦是一種性暴力,那是33年前的事,而當時不論是傳媒或其他人,都認為這是「大女人主義」、反抗男性,並問為何要跟男性對抗。我在想,為甚麼那些人覺得我們和男人對抗?為何會給予別人一種印象:我是一個跟男人對抗的女權主義者 (feminist)?即使看報紙,也看到我們幾個經常被人這樣形容。但是當時也沒辦法。事實上我們只想為婦女爭取她們應有的權利,或是追求平等。
I was already working at the Women's Centre when I was 23, it was my second job. The first task I was given was to campaign against rape, to tell people that rape is a form of sexual violence. That was 33 years ago, and at the time, both the media and people thought I was a 'female chauvinist' and defiant of men, and asked why I was fighting against men. I wondered why those people thought we were fighting against men. Why do I give people the impression that I am a feminist who fights against men? Even when I read the newspapers, I saw that we were often described in this way. But there was nothing we could do about it. The truth was that we just want to fight for women's rights or equality.
Q: Was the actual situation different from your expectation after the centre was founded?
王美鳳 Phyllis Wong(左二 second from left)、王秀容 Linda Wong(右二 second from right)
Taken on the opening day of RainLily Sexual Violence Crisis Centre in Kwong Wah Hospital
婦女中心當時做反強姦運動想要去幫助受害人,在長沙灣設立中心,但發現沒有受害人會進入求助,我們就了解到原來大眾不認識何謂性暴力,於是婦女中心就轉變策略,以教育為主導讓人們了解性暴力、性別平等、讓女性可以有自尊,亦不再以性暴力為名目。久而久之家庭主婦就成為我們主要的受眾,為她們充權(empower)。但我們的初心是反強姦,當時亦有強姦受害人走進中心,只可惜我們不是專門做輔導。因此,收到幾位創辦人的邀請,我的確很開心終於有個地方可以強調婦女被性暴力的情況,令她們不用再隱藏(being invisible)。
At that time, the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres was doing the anti-rape movement and set up a centre in Cheung Sha Wan to help the victims, but no one would seek for help. We realised that the public didn't know what sexual violence was. Thus, the Centres changed its strategy to focus on education, and educate people to understand sexual violence, gender equality and let women to lead a life of dignity. Also, no longer to use sexual violence as a name. Over time, housewives became our main target, and we worked to empower them. However, our initial intention was to fight against rape. Although we did have rape victims coming to seek for help, unfortunately we didn't specialise in counselling. Therefore I was very happy when I received an invitation from the co-founders, and finally there was a place to highlight sexual violence against women, and stop them from being invisible.
At that time, I just thought we had to do what needed to be done. Of course, in retrospect, I realised that with passion and concerted efforts from like-minded people, we could really do it. I see ACSVAW and RainLily as part of Hong Kong history as they are the first organisations addressing sexual violence, and their establishment really raised people's awareness.
Q: Do you think the society has made good progress in combating sexual violence? Looking back on the establishment of the Association, how do you feel about it?
Photo of relocation opening of RainLily's crisis centre at United Christian Hospital in 2010
There were people in Mainland China have already started to combate sexual violence. When they were feeling lost, they would come to us for advice because we have experience. At that time, I shared the information regarding our one-stop support service with them and they are right now taking the same action which is quite a wonderful thing for me. Another situation is that two weeks ago, I visited my former colleague and I asked if they had ever heard of RainLily. They replied that RainLily is well-known. This is not for honour, but for a seed twenty-five years ago, to germinate and develop. Nowadays, many people understand this service as it has supported many people. I think this is very important. While it is important to review the process, we can see the great development of gender awareness in Hong Kong. Not only reducing the traumatising need for survivors to contend with different departments and provide their account repeatedly, but also providing advocacy service during the process. Although I have left Hong Kong (later on), I can see that the seeds are still thriving as if there are no boundaries.
We did made progress, and now the scope of anti-sexual violence definition is wider. Back then, people thought only rape was categorised as sexual violence, which isn’t true. Sexual harassment, sexual assault and so on are all sexual violence. I think it is wider now, although people still don't like talking about sex.
We believe that it is a practice rather than a conceptual thing or a service. In the process, it is a manifestation of life. Who you are will decide what you believe in and how you live your life. Apart from this service, the founding of this organisation also helped me know more about myself. Work was hectic and I hardly had time for my children. I was really busy after my son was born. Right after delivery, I had to feed him, then attend the press conference, and feed him again when I returned home. Looking back, I find these experiences very special. In daily life, I am glad to see gender awareness in my children.
Q: What's your expectation for the future of the Association?
Although we were playing it by ear in the past, the most important thing is that we have common ideas and beliefs, and we have some principles that we agree on. Someone will ask me why I have to leave (the Association), that is your "baby". But in fact, I don't think it is. The Association and I both have independent lives; it was a few of us who created this dream. At this stage, we all will have different stages of life and places for personal growth. We will pass this organisation and these services to different people. I personally feel that those who take over don't necessarily follow what people said decades ago, because that is just the needs and ideas of that era. The most important is the principle. Don't work for more money and more centres, instead just follow the principles and the values of existence. I also think that a job can be a dream. For me, when I turned from volunteering into a job in RainLily, I am very happy that I can earn money and do what I want to do. I hope everyone will work in this mood, so that you would be truly happy, and work can develop with the times. I believe that now RainLily's staff have consensus and principles to expand many services, and adherence is also important, and it is necessary to keep pace with the times.
For the Association in different eras, when facing major social changes, it must remember the original ideas and directions. The positioning of the organisation, the method of doing things, and the language system may change with the times. If it is really impossible to practise, how to readjust it requires the whole team to explore. I hope that everyone will work together to stand by the ideas they believe in.
When it is your own choice, you will love the job and the philosophy behind it, and you can practise it. In fact, in the past ten to twenty years, the situation of sexual violence has been gradually changed. Don't think that you are too small to make a difference, and don't be arrogant to think that everything can be changed. We need to know our limits and do what we can in this generation.
As long as this service is accepted by the community, it will not end. If it is going to end, then let it end. This is our principle. In fact, when you start something, as long as you have accomplished its mission, you can leave it as it is, because where there is a beginning, there is an end, so we don't really have any burdens, but we know exactly what the service or organisation was founded for. There are people who are aware of what they are doing, who are doing the right thing, they are not tainted by others. That's what I really appreciate about the Association. And the growth of Rainlily, I think, was not just for the sake of expanding. As Irene said, we don't need to hurry. We need to do things well. I also want to encourage everyone – in face of difficulties, we not only need to stand by our beliefs, but also rely on like-minded people. Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr once said, 'accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.'
創辦人簡介 Introduction of Founders
王美鳳牧師 Phyllis Wong
The pastor of Kowloon Union Church. Phyllis was a social worker teacher, and worked as an educator in Harmony House. She also served as an executive committee member of RainLily until 2008. She is now a consultant of the organisation.
吳惠貞博士 Irene Ng
The chairperson of End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation. She has been a lecturer in the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong for 10 years. Irene has always paid attention to the issue of domestic violence and sexual violence. She was one of initiators of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women and served as an executive director of the Association from 2001 to 2007. In January 2005/2006, she was awarded the 15th HKSWA Outstanding Social Worker.
張佩麗 Edith Cheung
Edith was an executive director of Harmony House, and then served as an executive committee member of RainLily. Later, she was responsible for poverty alleviation work for World Vision in Mainland China.
王秀容 Linda Wong
Linda was an executive director of Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres. Then she went to the UK to study gender studies, and returned to Hong Kong in 2000 to work as a counsellor at RainLily. She has served as an executive director from 2007 to 2023.