Knowledge and Perceptions towards Gender-Based Violence of Minority Girls in Hong Kong Final Report 《香港少數族裔少女對於性別暴力知識與觀念研究報告》

Gender-based violence (GBV) has always been a prevailing problem among women, especially for minority women under transnational movement, due to the intertwining effect of a number of factors including culture, religion and migration status. However, the area of GBV on minority women is seriously under researched in Hong Kong. With the high risk of minority women experiencing GBV, it is important to explore the situation thoroughly in order to put forward effective interventions which specifically address minority women’s GBV situation.

Among women of all ages, the group with the highest prevalence of GBV is known to be minority adolescents. The main reason that puts minority adolescents at heightened risk of GBV can be attributed to the higher rate of social interaction between the host society and their countries of ethnic origin, when compared with minorities from other age groups. The intense immersion in both cultural environments causes the adolescents to go through constant evaluation and re-evaluation of their value systems and practices. In light of the importance of transnational movement on adolescents, this study focuses on minority adolescent girls’ perceptions and attitudes towards gender, GBV, and help-seeking.

This study employed the intersectional framework to explore the multidimensional influences on minority girls’ gender and GBV perceptions and behaviour. Intersectionality framework, which looks through the lens of oppression and marginalization, and considers the intersection between race, class, and gender, has gained recognition in the study of GBV. The framework of this study focuses on the influence of six social locations including gender, race, culture, religion, migration status and education, on shaping gender and GBV perceptions of minority girls in a transnational social system.



是次研究以質性焦點訪談的方式進行,合共個別訪談了十二位年齡分別為十四至十八歲的巴基斯坦、印度和尼泊爾裔青少女進行個別訪談,透過受訪者闡述個人及社會經驗, 探討不同因素如何影響她們建構對性別和性別暴力的理解,並嘗試找出在性別相關議題上對少數族裔合適的教育,以及少數族裔青少女面對性別暴力時有效的介入方法。研究結果可用作制訂更具文化敏銳度的政策、措施,甚至是實務指引,以期有效預防或處理針對少數族裔女性的性別暴力事件。