簡介 Description
This animated short film, adapted from the real voices and experiences of survivors, aims to foster a deeper public understanding of the struggles and needs of those who have experienced sexual violence. It emphasises that the justice system isn't the only path to healing and justice.
After seeking support from RainLily, survivors join counselling groups and find the strength to rebuild their lives, empowered by the shared experiences of others. They become advocates, sharing their stories and raising awareness, reclaiming their power and self-worth. Above all, they want other survivors to know: "You are not to blame, and you are not alone."
Section: SafeChat Online Support Service , Legal Clinic, Counselling Groups, Other Empowerment Programs
內容 Content
備註 Remarks
最新版本 2024年12月 | 2 分 51秒 | 廣東話旁白,中英文字幕 | 由 Lo Joyce 及 Samuel Lee 製作
Latest Version Released in December 2024 | 2 m 51 s | In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles | Produced by Lo Joyce and Samuel Lee