RainLily and ACSVAW are separately registered charities, we respond to sexual violence in Hong Kong and related issues through different channels

  • RainLily provides crisis support service for survivors of sexual violence and their supporters. Donation in support of RainLily will allow us continue to provide adequate support to more survivors.

  • The Association (ACSVAW) and its education unit, Anti480 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre, provide sexual violence preventive education for teenagers and the public. The Association also devotes to advocate for survivor's rights in legal and policy frameworks. Donation in support of ACSVAW will allow us to continuously provide sexual violence prevention education and advocate for policy and legal reform.

The Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (IRD 91/17885) and RainLily (IRD 91/17886) are charitable institutions respectively approved by Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Each donation of HK$100 or above supported by a receipt will be eligible for tax deduction for the financial year concerned. The official receipt for one-off donation will be issued within a month. The official receipt of the total donation amount made through monthly donation in a financial year is issued in the following April.

For any enquiries about donation, please contact our Communication Team: (852) 2392 2569 / [email protected]





Monthly Donation
by Autopay

Please download the autopay authorisation form and mail the completed form to:
P.O. Box 74120, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong

Make transfer to our FPS proxy ID (one of the following email addresses)

Enter your email address and the required name on receipt in 'message to payee', so we can send you the receipt

If you wish the receive a printed receipt, please email screenshot of the payment confirmation screen, along with donor information to [email protected]

Direct Transfer

Direct transfer donation to our
Hang Seng Bank account (Clearing Code: 024):






Please send us the bank slip / donation form / Donor information through one of the following methods:

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Fax: (852) 2625 1572

  • Mail: ACSVAW / RainLily - P.O. Box 74120, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong

Cross Cheque

Payable to:
Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women or RainLily

Please mail the cheque to:
ACSVAW / RainLily
P.O. Box 74120, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong