

  • 需要本會轉介服務使用者或前線輔導員/社工以接受學生訪問之要求將不獲處理,敬請留意

  • 清晰自我介紹,包括姓名、學校或機構、指導老師及其聯絡方法

  • 說明你的訪問或研究題目,並解釋選題原因。如你打算訪問其他團體,亦請註明

  • 請列出你打算問的問題

  • 請列明訪問將會刊登及發佈的地方

  • 請留下你的聯絡電話及電郵,以便跟進

  • 請註明希望進行訪問的期間以便職員盡量安排

  • 有關本會的基本資料可以參考本會網站,我們亦建議同學先閱讀本機構《反擊》出版刊物


Guidelines for Students Interview

The Association is a non-profit organisation that provides support services to victim-survivors of sexual violence, we also advocate for gender equity and sexual violence preventive education. We are pleased to welcome interview requests from students for research or other educational purposes. In order to ensure a mutually beneficial and trusting relationship between the interviewers and our staff, we would appreciate if you read the interview guidelines thoroughly before submitting your interview requests as below:

  • Referral of service-user or frontline counselling/social worker staff for student interview will not be handled;

  • Your name, school/organisation, faculty/ department, contact details of your instructor(s);

  • Research topic as well as the objectives of your research/ assignment;

  • Please let us know if you intend to interview other organisations;

  • A list of interview questions;

  • When and how will the interview be published;

  • Your contacts (email and phone number);

  • Proposed date and time of interview

Please refer to this website and our publication for the Association's basic information and stance on specific issues.

* Please note that if the interview outline is incomplete, we may not process the request. Interview request must be sent at least 2 weeks before your proposed interview date. Interview requests with less than 2-week notice may not be entertained. If we do not have enough human resources to handle the interview request, we man turn down the request without notice.

Once your research is submitted and/or published, please send us a copy for our record.